
This section contains projects created and contributed to by Eddie. Everything listed is an open source effort, the distinction is only my role as owner or contributor.


Algunos proyectos realizados relacionados al ámbito educativo

La Comunicación

Webquest sobre el tema de la comunicación. Nivel: Educación Secundaria, Ciclo Básico

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Licencias Creative Commons

Recurso Educativo Abierto que explica las licencias Creative Commons

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Licencias de Software y Documentación

Webquest sobre las licencias de software y documentación

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Open Source Contributions

A collection of efforts to which I contributed, but did not create. Contributing back to Open Source projects is a strong passion of mine, and requires a considerate approach to learn norms, standards and approach for each community for a successful merge!

Atlassian Deployment Triggers

Uses Async call to lucene index for super fast autocompletion to address performance issue loading config.

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Added Docker Build Status Badge to

Added a shield for Docker Hub builds indicating state of last build

Leer más... Structured Data documentation fixes

Not all pull requests are glorious code, documentation is really important too! This commit fixed some invalid JSON found in some example specs.

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Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink